Flexible Bridge Monitoring

fiber optic sensing fiberoptic switch

FiberStrike® Fiber Optic Interlock Switches: A state-of-the-art solution
for monitoring the status of virtually any access point. With the scalable distances allowed by fiber optics, our interlock switches can be networked across a wide area while utilizing existing standard communication fiber networks.

An advanced fiber optic sensing platform that is flexible and scalable. System architecture facilitates configuration to monitor multiple applications. Multiple sensor types address a broad range of structural monitoring parameters.

Advantages of FiberStrike® Intrusion Detection Systems

  • All FiberStrike® sensors (both distributed and discrete) are passive, have no electronic components, emit no signals and require no electrical power
  • Nonconductive optical fiber is immune to electrical interference and degradation due to chemicals or environmental factors
  • Multiple optical fibers are easily deployed for redundancy
  • Sensors may be 25+ kilometers from head-end monitoring equipment, no booster amplifiers required

Intelligent Security Solutions

Fiber optic security systems are becoming increasingly popular as a means of protecting critical infrastructure and other sensitive locations. Fiber optic security systems use optical signals to detect and monitor intrusions.

Installation of a fiber optic security system can be a complex process, but it is one that is well worth the investment. The system can provide an effective means of protecting against physical attacks.

One of the most important reasons to install fiber optic security is the potential for fiber optic intrusion detection. Fiber optic security systems can detect unauthorized access. This technology is becoming increasingly important as businesses and municipalities move to more secure and efficient networks.

The Highest Standard in advanced fiber optic sensing

Rely on our experience across all monitoring and sensing products to design and develop the right fiber optic technology for your application.

Advantages of the FiberStrike® system for bridge structural health monitoring:

  • All FiberStrike® sensors are passive, emit no signals and require no electrical power
  • Sensors are immune to electrical interference and degradation due to harsh environments
  • Hundreds of discrete sensors may be interrogated over one fiber bundle
  • Multiple sensor types may be mixed and matched on one fiber
  • Nonconductive interconnecting optical fibers may carry data as well as sensor information
  • Multiple optical fibers are easily deployed for redundancy
  • Sensors may be 25+ kilometers from monitoring equipment, no booster amplifiers required

FiberStrike® sensing systems have been installed and proven effective on multiple bridges, both domestically and internationally. Cleveland Electric Laboratories has effective solutions to help meet your bridge structural health monitoring requirements, and we invite your inquiries.

Fiber Optic Sensor Technology Development

Engineering, design, and manufacturing of high-quality fiber optic sensing systems improve security, our nation’s infrastructure, and public safety monitoring.

A fiber optic security system is a valuable tool for protecting your property and assets. The structure of a fiber optic security system is based on the use of optical fibers to transmit data. Optical fibers are thin, flexible tubes of glass that are used to transmit light. Optical fibers can be used to transmit data using cables and connectors.

Optical fiber security systems can be used to protect a variety of assets, including computers, servers, and other electronic equipment. Optical fiber security systems are also popular for protecting property, such as warehouses, factories, and government installations.

Benefits Over Traditional Security

Fiber optic security systems are becoming increasingly popular as they offer many advantages over traditional security methods. One of the most significant advantages is the ability to detect intrusions and security breaches in real-time.

One of the most common problems with standard security systems is interference. This can occur when the system is installed in an area with a lot of electromagnetic interference. FiberStrike equipment is no power, which means it is completely immune to electrical interference.

Fiber Optic Sensor Technology Development

Engineering, design, and manufacturing of high-quality fiber optic sensing systems that improve security, our nation’s infrastructure, and public safety monitoring.